Walked along the neighborhood alleys tonight. Said alleys seem to be the only reasonable elevation texture around here, lots of short hills.
Listening to two twenty-somethings talk about what screwups their younger siblings are, I suspect every one of us is someone else’s “what a screwup.”
Today’s stair walk of Portland’s Alameda Ridge was just under 14km and about 3 hours long. Next time, I’m wearing shorts.
Reminded again, pain is fleeting, glory is forever, chicks dig scars.
Especially the scars part. They are beautiful. They make us who we are.
Him: “Are you in line?”
Me (masked): “I am not.”
Him: “Would you stand some place else?”
Me: looks, sees I am standing 8’ from him and the line “No. If you get in line, and move forward, you’ll be, you know, 12’ away.”
Somewhere in Portland is a guy who thinks I’m the jerk.
More than a little delighted by tonight’s take out. I have had more take out in the last two weeks than in the previous four months combined. For this, however, I mind less. #ramen
I swear, the coldest winter I’ve ever spent has been this summer in Portland, but the flowers make up for the weather.