Picked up a New Yorker from the library, and came across the “Pick Three” feature: three current obsessions of a staff writer. I am fascinated by this idea. I certainly have rabbit holes I dive down frequently… tracking them this way could be fun.
3 friends died in the past week. Chat group response:
“Unsolicited but hopefully not useless advice: use the tragedies as a reminder that our individual duration is largely unknown, and do something you want to do but have been putting off as soon as is reasonably possible.”
Business DRI wants to add a feature 3 weeks before beta. I respond, what other feature do you want to cut? Can’t cut any. Ok, push launch out 1 month to add feature. PM says no. Jokingly, I offer, choose among bug fixes, feature 1, or feature 2. Designer votes no bug fixes. SIGH.
Subtle ways your manager undermines you, part 89: he reschedules an important meeting to discuss a new hire, without telling you he is rescheduling it. No one else in the meeting alerts you either.
Nothing quite like opening the box labelled “REALLY REALLY HEAVY,” and realizing it is another box of alcohol that you now need to give away, having spent the previous week finally clearing your place of what you thought were the last of the bottles. Blah.