noasi on a smaller scale

Finished The Library at Mount Char, by Scott Hawkins today. I was expecting neither to enjoy this book as much as I did, nor to read it in one day, but here we are. Recommended with the warning that it is slightly dark in places. πŸ“š

I would be most grateful for your lemon recipes… πŸ‹

Lazy moment, lying in the yard, chatting with the neighbor sitting six meters away, watching the birds fly overhead.

Thankfully, no poop landed on me.

I don’t know how I’m related to my dad.

Travel complete and nominally successful! Except for the guy who sat in the aisle seat, same row, same side, after I sat in the window seat. And except for the second guy who did the same to me after I moved away from the first guy. πŸ˜’

Now we wait 14 days for full success.

Global pandemics are a shit time to break up with a best friend, let me tell you.

I am grateful for the routine the beagle gives me. Every morning, without fail, he asks for walkies, and starts my day.

Started my day calling out an Irish American man and a Cuban American woman on their body shaming of an African American woman, followed by being yelled at by the both of them as they defended their actions as “calling out non-professionalism.”

How’s your day going?

Stupidly excited to have found a training trail with many steep portions that I can use to train for the 14k’ers I am hoping to summit this summer.

The view isn’t bad either.


Pretty sure my year goal of “Read The Wheel of Time” is in direct conflict with my year goal of “Read 100 books.”

The WoT is 4.4 million words long. πŸ˜’

Ugh. Why do people think social distancing means social isolation?

I said hello with a hearty wave to no fewer than 20 people today, and all of them were startled by my greeting.

I’ve been working on my throws, mostly by throwing small oranges from a tree to the sheep on the other side of the yard. They eat them, so no waste.

Today, I had validation that my throws have improved. I am delighted.

πŸ‘ 🍊 ⚾️

sheep in the distance behind a fence with an orange embedded in itclose up of an orange embedded in a chainlink fence

So, uh, how long do spiders live? Uh, asking for a friend.

So, apparently you don’t clap after family sharings at memorials. Oooops.

Antarctica, every moment is an awe-inspiring sight. This is what joy looks like. finishing #mbfeb with day two’s prompt. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ά

I missed the opening of the #mbfeb challenge, but I’ve been nominally keeping up with πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ά photos since I noticed. One more after today.

Let’s see what happens. #newsletters

When the sky is overcast, the continent is a haunting vision. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ά #mbfeb

That splash to the left is the result of my leap into the Southern Ocean last month.

That splash was immediately followed by sheer panic with only one thought: get out of this 3Β°C water. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ά #mbfeb

Below. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ά #mbfeb

We’ll go together. You first. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ά #mbfeb


While perhaps not everyone’s idea of escape, I’m looking forward to going back. Maybe not exactly to Useful Island, but definitely the continent. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ά #mbfeb

Another of Julia’s icebergs. I’m grateful she shared her photos and editing skills, such a hurdle for me to match her. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ά #mbfeb